Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Life Happens

Here's to all the people who have remained unharmed because I have coffee and a sense of humor.

So, it's been a few months since I've posted anything. Long story short - I'm busy. Extremely busy. I've started a new job, been on a few dates, been to some events, worked more events, stomach flus, sinus infections, you know, life.

More importantly, I've figured out a lot of things.

1. Being over people is hard. -- I'm younger than a lot of the people I'm over. I get looks of shock when they figure out my title. I'm sorry, but I've worked hard to get where I'm at. Age doesn't matter.

2. Dating is hard. -- Sometimes you think you've started to fall for someone, and then all of a sudden it hits you right smack in the face -- they're not the right one. Nothing you can do about it, and it hurts.  In the end though it's okay. Also, sometimes you go on blind dates with creeps. Like finger nails longer than yours, vampire teeth, doesn't pay for your coffee, etc. Yea, no second date or thank you text on that one.

3. Don't work a full time job, a side job, and be a full time student. -- Hence all the sickness.

4. Do, do everything you possibly can while you're in school. -- Work every event they ask you to, run for officer positions, join all the clubs you can. Don't ask me how many I'm in because I'm pretty sure I don't even know. Just do it. It get you networked with so many people, it makes you look good. Need a reference? Here's five. Late enrollment date? We'll override you. Don't have a co-requisite? We'll override you. Makes college much more convenient.

5. Make time for yourself. -- I know I've said this before, but it's something I'm really bad at. I've answered more than one late night phone call of people needing to talk. I've run out the door in my pajamas to be there. But I'll do something for someone else instead of going to the gym or relaxing and spending the day with a good book. And when I don't take that me time, that's when I get stressed out. I'm not saying you shouldn't make time for things like that, it's more of a do that but make sure you take those ten minutes for yourself later today.

I know this post is kind of boring, and I'm sorry. I'll do my best to keep posting updates about interesting things that happen in my life (they happen a lot and I just forget).

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Lessons Learned

You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. 
- Maya Angelou

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. Life caught up with me. But in honor of the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015, let me share a few things that I've learned this past year.

1. Just because you work hard for something doesn't mean you'll get it.

2. Sometimes you do get the things you work hard for. But don't rub it in other people's faces, #1 may apply to them.

3. Do everything that you enjoy. Eat the second cupcake, binge watch a show on Netflix.

4. Sometimes school can wait, just don't slack off.

5. Trying things you've never done before isn't always a bad thing. You might find that you like something more than you thought you would.

6. Same goes for meeting new people. 

7. Putting yourself first isn't a bad thing. Don't forget you have needs too.

8. Dating people twice is a bad idea. If it didn't work the first time it's not going to work again.

9. People change. Don't over think it too much. Leave them behind, you're better than they are.

10. Buying that cute shirt, mug, sign, etc. won't kill you.

11. Never skip out on coffee in the morning. It just makes you grumpy.

12. Plans don't always work out. Going with the flow will stress you out less and you'll always be surprised.